Machinery Chamber Render

Midjourney Prompt: "You reach a chamber filled with towering machinery, their metallic surfaces reflecting the dim lighting. Describe the intimidating presence of these machines and the sounds of their operation echoing through the vast space."

I was tasked with creating a set of stage visuals for music producer R2 the Specialist's track, Tragedy from the Tragedy EP. This drum n' bass release features unique phrasing, metallic, echoing soundscapes, and heavy basslines, reminiscent of heavy, haunting machinery and fluorescent lights.
To create concept renders, I used Midjourney with highly descriptive, narrative driven prompts. This was the first time I'd worked with such detailed concept art prior to designing an environment. I interpreted smudgy, AI generated artifacts into whimsical, strange machinery, and used the concept art to guide my decisions regarding look development. Materials and rendering were done with Unreal Engine 5. Multipass compositing was done in Adobe AfterEffects with Red Giant suite.

Environment showcase render featuring my own sound design

Power Generator Room Render

Midjourney Prompt: "The power generator room hums with an otherworldly energy, casting a pulsating glow on its surroundings. Describe the massive generators and the sparks dancing in the air, creating an ominous and charged atmosphere."

Hidden Chamber Render

Midjourney Prompt: "Imagine you're exploring the deep recesses of the evil factory, and you stumble upon a hidden chamber bathed in a sickly green glow. Describe the eerie symbols adorning the walls and the strange machinery at its center."

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